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Our Timeline

  2011  Established AcaMed Pharma & Biotech company as pilot plant for unique    isolation facility for anti-aging herbs.         
2012  Completed pilot plant for purifying and enriched active ingredient from      Polygonum multiflorum. pilot plant established, started the process with SOP with GMP compliance. 
2014  Developed  3 dietary supplements  SmarT-101, BrighT-101, SporT-101 from Anti-aging herbs in Taiwan Market
2017  Development of Cosmetic products Lan-I, Lan II mask and  Orchidées de Formose Anti-aging Essence OF-II.  
2017  Our cosmetic plant granted ISO 22716 international certification.
2018  Our pilot plant granted ISO 22000 and HCTTP international certification.
2019  Our BrighT-101 was sold in 2 big drug store chains through the    recommendation of Taiwan San-Li TV company.
2020  Our dietary supplements and cosmetic products started to sell in US AMAZON website in 2020. 
2024  Our dietary supplements and cosmetic products started to sell in Japan                        Rakuten website, Malaysia and Mainland China. 

客服電話:0800-222-038 傳真:02-2298-4907 長宏醫藥生技股份有限公司版權所有© 2013 Acamed Pharma & Biotech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 網站設計製作by橙億科技